At Barker Aquatic, swimmers have the chance to participate in a variety of swimming meets, including:
- Club Nights – these are run by members of BAQU at Barker Aquatic Centre and are open to all of our members.
- Meets hosted by other clubs – these take place at various locations including Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre (SOPAC). Sometimes you need to have achieved a qualifying time (QT) in a particular event in order to enter, at other meets there are no QTs.

- Targeted Meets – these meets are targeted by our coaches and swimmers should try to attend all targeted meets if they are interested in competitive swimming. Our coaches will attend to support our swimmers at these meets.
- Area Championships (hosted by Swimming Metro North West) – these take place twice a year (Summer and Winter) at SOPAC and qualifying times are needed for all events. See the SMNW website for further information.
- State Metropolitan, NSW Junior State, NSW Senior State, State Open & Speedo Sprints competitions (hosted by Swimming NSW) – these meets usually take place at SOPAC, again twice a year and qualifying times are needed for all events. QTs are published in advance of entries opening on Swim Central. See the SNSW website events page for further information.
- Australian Age and Australian Championships (hosted by Swimming Australia) – these meets take place in different states each year. QTs are published in advance of entries opening on Swim Central. See the Swimming Australia website events page for further information.
Note: Entry fees are payable for most meets, apart from BAQU Club Nights. These fees will appear in Swim Central at meet entry.